Centre for Economics of Climate Change
Funding: Metropolis GZM l Metropolitan Science and Education Support Fund
Budget: PLN 421,139
Duration: J2023
„ECOnomics4Climate” is a cluster project that constitutes a package of scientific and educational activities, within the framework of the promotion of a new discipline – Economics of Climate Change. It is fully in line with the specific objectives of the „Metropolitan Science and Education Support Fund” in terms of innovative talent development activities – stimulating the creativity of students and lecturers, with the aim of using their potential to adapt the University to future development trends.
The project involves prominent foreign scientists who will prepare lectures and provide mentoring support to young scientists. The project will encompass students, doctoral students, and research and development staff of the EU Katowice, as well as young people from high schools located in the Silesian Voivodeship.
„Diverse Trajectories of Research in Economics of Climate Change (Różne ścieżki badań w ekonomii zmian klimatu)”;
„Learning from Masters: prof. Yannis Tsalavoutas (Ucząc się od mistrzów: Prof. Yannis Tsalavoutas”);
„Learning from Masters: prof. Reggie Hooghiemstra (Ucząc się od mistrzów: Prof. Reggie Hooghiemstra)”;
„Learning from Masters: prof. Nazim Hussain (Ucząc się od mistrzów: Prof. Nazim Hussain)”;
„Learning from Masters: prof. Steffen Andersen (Ucząc się od mistrzów: Prof. Steffen Andersen)”;
„Greening Ideas – Klimatyczna kampania”;
„Sustainable Logistics4Climate (Zrównoważona logistyka dla klimatu)”;
„Wdrożenie metody COILs w edukacji o ekonomii zmian klimatu (Implementation of COILs in Education on Economics of Climate Change)”.
The outcomes of the project will be presented during the 1st International Conference on Economics of Climate Change
Other related events – visit the UE Katowice project website