Centre for Economics of Climate Change
The founding members of the CECC have developed the topical scope of the research and education initiatives, inspired by the growing interest in the emerging discipline of the economics of climate change. Their intention was to develop synergies between the academics of the University of Economics in Katowice, bearing in mind the relevance of the climate change threats and opportunities, in regional and international dimensions. The CECC gratefully acknowledges the support of the Faculty of Spatial Economy and Regions in Transition, which is included in Faculty’s scientific development strategy.
2nd International Conference on Economics of Climate Change (InCECC)
October 24-25, 2024
„Towards the Economics of Climate Change”
Conference Summarising the ExCORE project I May 20-21, 2024
Economics of Climate Change is the emerging discipline that aims to broaden the economic aspects of climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies. This is a long-term issue that needs to be taken into consideration by policy makers and the business environment while designing strategic plans. At the same time, it remains the core of sustainable development strategies, as the impacts of climate change will strongly affect future generations.
At the CECC, we believe that the challenges of climate change should be faced from multiple perspectives. We focus on economic, managerial and financial aspects related to this global challenge. By enhancing the flow of knowledge and international collaboration we seek to better understand the dynamics of the impacts of climate change and the related threats and opportunities.
Originating from one of the most industrialized and densely populated regions of Europe, we share knowledge and research opportunities available in our home area with academic fellows from all over the world. In parallel, a global outlook of the CECC team enables a strong and unique impact on climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in our region and Poland as a whole.
We strongly believe that by recognizing, anticipating, studying and making sense of this global phenomenon, the scientific community of the University of Economics in Katowice can help create a better world for future generations.
CECC vision is to become the leader of international debate in the economics of climate change in emerging and developing economies; to create a better place to live for future generations.
CECC mission is to seed the thought of economics of climate change in emerging and developing economies by providing scholars and researchers with professional, continuous, and expert-based help in crafting the theory, designing and performing empirical research, disseminating knowledge and allowing for the exchange of ideas through international collaboration.